If you are not in China, you can choose to wholesale beach bags online. The beach bag manufacturers on Alibaba is great for you to purchase more than 500pcs beach totes. when you’re looking to buy less than 300pcs beach bags, some trading companies on Alibaba or DHgate may be helpful. While AliExpress is the most appropriate choice if you want to purchase less than 20pcs beach bags or just want to do dropshipping.
Although wholesale online is convenient, you need to take on multiple risks. For example, the seller delays to shipping your products for a long time after you making an order online. Or maybe the beach bag in bulk you received is inconsistent with the sample. If you can only wholesale beach bags online, it’s best to pay with Alibaba Trade Assurance.
If you can come to China, many local wholesale markets and some large-scale exhibitions in China are great choices for you. Most beach bag factories in China are located in Zhejiang and Guangdong provinces. You can directly come to Yiwu Wholesale Market and Guangzhou Wholesale Market and find the beach bag factory for purchasing.